Virtual city 2
Virtual city 2

virtual city 2

Surpassing its predecessor in every possible way (buildings, products, production chains and achievements), Virtual City 2: Paradise Resort enables the player to take visitors from railways, airports and marinas to hotels and entertainment buildings, to create bus stops for inhabitants to travel to other parts of the city, the mall or the stadium, and last but not least to introduce trading routes with neighboring cities and establish production chains within the city bounds. Not only are you managing public transport and production chains in various small towns and bigger cities, but you are also responsible for constructing and upgrading the required buildings wherever they fit.

virtual city 2

So for all of you who haven’t played the first part, what’s the core of Virtual City 2: Paradise Resort? Basically, it’s the most profound and complex city simulation you can find on the casual market. You are also able to continue playing any level after you have beaten it – considering that some levels take 20 minutes to be finished and that even very experienced players will have to replay some levels to finish them in expert time, it is no exaggeration that the game will easily keep you busy for 15 hours. Virtual City 2: Paradise Resort features 52 levels in four different locations in the United States. With the release of its sequel, Virtual City 2: Paradise Resort, it’s safe to say that the formula still works. Creating an interesting, accessible and complex city simulation is no small feat, but developer G5 Entertainment managed it with Virtual City, a truly underrated game.

Virtual city 2