Nicholas Strevel is the Vice President of Product Management and Technical Sales at First Solar, leading diverse teams which specialize in PV module technology, system engineering, product performance, and competitive benchmarking. Changing load curves due to solar variability.Emerging needs for low voltage ride through: emerging needs for voltage / power factor control, status and changes in the standard.Distribution feeder PV "hosting" limits.

Impacts of rooftop PV units on a distribution feeder: voltage considerations, harmonics, feeder ampacity limits.Cloud transients, ramp rates, and the case for energy storage.Solar plant modeling in power system analyses.Interconnection of Renewable Energy Plants with the Electric Grid Measurement of soil thermal resistivity.Panel installation, connections, and wiring.Design loads: dead loads wind, snow, and seismic zones adfreeze considerations.

Makeup of solar panels from solar cells.Cell materials: mono- and poly-crystalline silicon, cadmium telluride,.A brief history of the development of PV cells.Semiconductors and the photovoltaic effect.Power system operation, control and protection.Diurnal/seasonal pattern of incident energyĮlectric Power Generation and Delivery Fundamentals.