Note 2 : Make sure that you open the hosts file with Notepad, with Administrator privileges.The Hosts file is a static name-resolution table that overrides the system's DNS server settings. Note: You will need to have a valid serial number.

( btw if you ever played World of Warcraft or Lineage 2 this should be easy ) Here is a picture of my host file so that you can see where to put it. Block adobe activation Steve Stonebraker posted this in Howto, Mac, Windows on March 12th, 2011 To block adobe from phoning home you need to modify your hosts file: on a mac.All you need to do is open this file - %windir%system32driversetchosts on Windows 7 - C:Windowssystem32driversetchosts and put these lines at the bottom.ġ27.0.0.1 Block Adobe Host Fileīlock Adobe Activation Servers127.0.0.1 ġ27.0.0.1 Hosts File Entries To Block Adobe Activation Cs5 Pro For example, and delete this entry. Look for any entries that refer to and delete these entries. Select Notepad for the application to open the hosts file. I am not a professional Graphic Designer, but sometimes I like to play with Adobe tools like Photoshop CC.

Block Adobe Photoshop CC activation outbound link using windows host file or firewall is a common question for everyone. Step 1: Modify the hosts file to block all outgoing connect to Adobe server From the Desktop press Command Shift G type etc into the field then hit Enter.If you are not satisfied with a particular fee-based Service you must cancel the subscription before the Free Trial ends to avoid charges.Adobe applications includes an activation mechanism. HowTo: Block Adobe Activation using the Hosts file (Updated Jan 2014). Like me, if you are also annoyed with Adobe auto-updater popping up and freezing the application you can completely disable the feature in the latest version of Adobe. Adobe After Effects CC 2014 works well on Mac? This very well-know software, Mac After. Adobe’s activation servers are on secure (HTTPS) sites, so your computer must be able to access these types of sites.

Step 3: Make sure that you can access secure sites. The updates hosts file should not have any Adobe-related entries. However, if you only see Hosts then open it and look for adobe entries in it eg:, etc 3- If you see these entries there then follow the below steps: Select all the Adobe related entries and Delete them, it will ask you to create a copy of hosts please do that and save the 'py' file on your desktop.